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Quest Collingwood (4) 1

Reduced disputes, smarter payments and no more night audit for this hotel

Quest Collingwood, Melbourne
Bustling Wellington Street in the heart of Collingwood
Next-Gen payments solution with RMS PAY
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The tech-savvy, agile team shaking up their payments process

Quest Collingwood is a young, agile team run by General Manager Stephanie Robertson and her partner and Business Development Manager, Kane Robertson. Stephanie has a rich background in Hospitality and the duo took over their own Quest Franchise to start their entrepreneurial career.  Keen tech adopters, Stephanie and the team are loving RMS PAY and the innovations we provide not only to their team but also, to their beloved guests. 

Challenges Solved

Better payment processes 
  • PCI Compliance 
  • Reduction of fraud-related disputes 
  • Efficient payments 
Most loved features

Improving the payment process 
  • Payment links (SMS/Email) 
  • Automated night-audit 

There was really no way to secure a card payment previously without doing it over the phone, or doing something manual like sending a form, and the security around those processes is questionable. Now I just send out a payment link and it eliminates those problems.  
Stephanie Robertson General Manager
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Market fit
What industry challenges affect you most at Quest Collingwood?

Credit card security and PCI compliance is a big problem in our industry and the features RMS PAY offers like email and SMS payment links are a real game-changer for us.  

There was really no way to secure a card payment previously without doing it over the phone, or doing something manual like sending a form, and the security around those processes is questionable. Now I just send out a payment link and it eliminates those problems.  

I had also experienced some payment gateway technology before and found major issues around a lack of integration with our PMS, and delays releasing pre-authorisation holds and bonds. Previous gateways I’d used didn’t have a process around releasing funds, so I would have to complete a form, send that to the bank, and then contact the guest about it. Now with RMS PAY it’s just a one-touch release, and it’s integrated with RMS (our PMS system) which makes life so much easier.  


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Product implementation
What's changed for the better since you've adopted RMS PAY?

I know I rave about this, but I absolutely love the payment link feature. The ability to send a guest a secure link where they can confirm their own credit card details and the payment lands automatically in our system is a real win for PCI compliance.  

The best thing it’s done for me is reduce the number of disputes we get. I used to have at least one a week, but during the 10-odd months we’ve been using RMS PAY for, we’ve received only 3 disputes. It’s unheard of.  

What’s great about payment links is that generally if a guest says they can’t or don’t want to pay the link, then we know they’re not a guest we want to put our trust in because they’re likely trying to commit fraud.  

It’s also something we can send out to our corporate clients without them needing to fill out paperwork. We used to go back and forth with forms and cards, and it’s an arduous process for the hotel and the guests. Now, you can pay for the room using the corporate card with the link, and when they arrive at the hotel it’s all sorted on their behalf.  


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Lavender BG
RMS PAY has transformed the way Quest Collingwood processes payments
Guests and staff love quick and easy payment links  
Credit card disputes reduced from 1 a week to 3 in 10 months
The team no longer need to run a night audit
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Payments are natively integrated into the PMS for seamless management

I’ve used payment gateways before and in terms of innovation RMS PAY is miles above the rest. Most people I talk to about it are fascinated with the reduction in disputes, pre-auth releases and PCI compliance, and RMS PAY handles all of those things expertly.  

Stephanie Robertson  General Manager
Which roles in your team benefit most from using RMS PAY?

Our front desk team benefit a lot because it streamlines the check-in and payment process, but it goes beyond that.  

For myself as a business owner and my partner Kane, being able to ensure our books are balanced is reassuring, and the night audit process is much quicker and less paper-heavy now that it’s predominantly automated.  

How do your guests benefit from RMS PAY?

Our guests benefit in so many ways.  

Not every booking needs a payment link, but it’s great to have for those that do because it’s a really quick way to take payments. We’re pretty heavily corporate so we don’t use pre-authorisation often, but for some leisure guests when we do use them, it’s great to be able to release the holds here at the hotel. 

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Why would you recommend RMS PAY to your peers?

It’s a new, innovative product that’s up to date with the market and what our clientele really expects. I also love the ability to connect with the RMS PAY team and contribute to improvements on the system.  

I talk a lot about payment links but it’s just so important to reduce risk on your business with PCI compliance and to deter guests that you don’t want to stay. 

All in all, it’s a modern system with brilliant functionality. I’ve used payment gateways before and in terms of innovation it’s miles above the rest. Most people I talk to about it are fascinated with the reduction in disputes, pre-auth releases and PCI compliance, and RMS PAY handles all of those things expertly.  

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